Friday, June 27, 2003
This posting by Howard Bashman is nauseating ... no, no, not because of what Howard said but because of the news conveyed.
Robin 2:35 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Eugene Volokh and his blog partners have been blogging a lot about the recent US Supreme Court sodomy case, here some of the remarks. Interestingly, Eugene's take is that Rick Santorum was right regarding the meaning of this result. And Clayton Cramer disputes the majority opinion's history discussion.
But I think Pejman does an excellant job discussing the astonishing weakness of the opinion. I believe that this court has delivered to us another terribly flawed opinion like Roe v. Wade.
Robin 12:57 PM
Fascinating account of this woman's experiences exposing terrorist front organizations, includes a brief description of how Saddam Hussein's reign of terror destroyed her family.
Robin 10:17 AM
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Preliminary reports of discovery of components of Iraq's nuclear weapons program. UPDATE: Byron York relates this to the "Bush Lied" meme among the Left.
Robin 4:30 PM
Byron York describes the dishonesty of Senate Democrats on the Miguel Estrada nomination in National Review.
Robin 1:31 PM
Steven Den Beste disposes of the NSA "memo" quite effectively.
Robin 1:31 PM
Another link between Iraq and Al Queda affiliated terrorists, this time Abu Sayyef.
Robin 1:31 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2003
Low reliability, but an interesting story that holds the possibility that we recently popped Saddam. I can hope but I'm not holding my breath. British press reports have been of poor reliability lately, you'd think they were emulating the New York Times ...
Robin 8:37 PM
Friday, June 20, 2003
The New York Times says Saddam Hussein is likely alive, so why is there no interview by Jayson Blair included in the piece?
Robin 3:52 PM
Man Without Qualities just has a great time with a recent Paul Krugman column.
Robin 1:22 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
By the way, Steve Verdon is very prolific today on several topics, but he is doing yeoman work on debunking, yet again, economic myths and outright dishonesty from the whacko Democrat fringe ( a "fringe" increasingly dominating the Democrat Party). Don't miss.
Robin 1:57 PM
Jacob Sullum has a post here on Reason's blog showing more dishonest reporting from the New York Times, this time on a completely bogus "study" of gun sales. Excellant job Jacob. Link shamelessly stolen from Glenn Reynolds.
Robin 1:55 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
You don't want to miss Donald Luskin's latest evisceration of Paul Krugman, it is a masterpiece of slice-n-dice.
Robin 7:52 PM
Last year I was blogging about Bill O'Reilly's stupid comments about our justice system and the role of defense attorneys. But today, Eugene Volokh beat me to slaughtering Bill O'Reilly's stupid comments about the Internet. Good job Eugene.
UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds doesn't want to be left out of the O'Reilly bashing.
Robin 9:32 AM
Monday, June 16, 2003
Jeff Jarvis here points us to this piece skeptical of the claim that poverty causes terrorism. What does cause terrorism? Lack of freedoms seems the only correlate, but I'm still having trouble with the causation of a nation's lack of freedoms leading to it producing terrorists aimed at Western nations.
Robin 4:54 PM
Eugene Volokh references a newspaper piece by Jared Diamond linking deforestation and agricultural failures to world trouble spots. Eugene seems skeptical and rightly so. I think that Diamond is pushing a thesis beyond the facts.
Robin 1:43 PM
Friday, June 13, 2003
I am sorry that there hasn't been any updates for a week. Work pressures have interferred ... as well as a lack of original thoughts. I'll try to catch up on a few topics this weekend.
Robin 11:11 AM
Friday, June 06, 2003
Pejman has a good posting where he puts the occupation and rebuilding of Iraq in some historical perspective.
Robin 11:04 PM
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Dr. Weevil describes here how President Bush is doing immense things for the environment ... as yet another byproduct of the Iraq War.
Robin 10:31 PM
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Bill Hobbs points us to this posting about the ACLU and the Second Amendment. I'd not seen this blog before stumbling on Hobbs' link to it for which I'm grateful. The post below is a nicely reasoned discussion of the Second Amendment too.
Robin 7:55 PM
Over at the Democratic Underground Monitoring Blog, Dave is still having fun watching the inmates. For those who need an acronym glossery, "BFEE" is "Bush Family Evil Empire". A favorite acronym on DU and its silly inhabitants.
Robin 7:46 PM
Monday, June 02, 2003
Back in town, but I've found that all the things I want to blog about are already well done by others. With one exception, which I'll have to find time to expound in greater length on, which is what a flaming ass/idiot Mark Geragos is.
Robin 10:16 PM