Friday, April 30, 2004
Glenn Reynolds notices that Wilson's story actually supports President Bush's State of the Union comments about Iraq, Africa and yellowcake as had been previously reported by Britain's Jack Straw.
Robin 1:36 PM
Its sometimes difficult to wade through the political intrigue of any administration to figure out the realities, but there is an old theme that Colin Powell's greatest strength is keeping clear of the blame for his own policies. That old theme resurfaces in this piece about the past year in Iraq on NRO. I confess that this resonates with my own opinions of Colin Powell - nonetheless I'm keeping the salt cellar handy.
Robin 10:40 AM
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Joanne Jacobs has a story that I do not know whether to classify as an example of the lunacy of California ... or just an example of the poisonous nature of modern unionism.
Robin 2:55 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
A recent news item had some scaremongering about pesticides. The headline was Pesticides too harmful to use in any form, doctors warn. Debunkers.org looks at the study itself ( follow down to "El Buggo" dated 4-28 2:32 PM).
Robin 1:47 PM
There has been a recent uproar about attempts by anti-war advocates to use pictures of the caskets of our military dead to embarrass the Administration. Read this account of a Marine escorting the remains of a young Marine back to his family in Wyoming. Read the accounts of his experiences with everyone he encountered on the trip from Dover AFB to Wyoming.Link from Glenn Reynolds.
Robin 1:41 PM
Monday, April 26, 2004
Cox and Forkum are auctioning original artwork of a Memorial Day cartoon for the Spirit of America fund. But you don't have to bid to donate.
Robin 10:59 AM
The so-called "animal rights" terrorists in Great Britain are so out of control, that victims of their terror are setting up their own support group.
Robin 10:08 AM
Hilary Clinton really does have an enormous amount of gall, in case you didn't know...
Robin 9:40 AM
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Great posting by Man Without Qualities contrasting the New York Times obsession with Justice Scalia's duck hunting trip but silence on Jamie Gorelick failure to resign from the 9/11 Commission over her real conflict of interest.
Robin 4:45 PM
A friend of mine, a Canadian who has worked hard to overcome the disadvantages of his northerly birth, sends me this link to a NY Post article about Michael Moore latest comments. This is the same despicable slime who condemned the World Trade Center attacks because the victims included people who voted against President Bush.
Robin 1:20 PM
Friday, April 23, 2004
This article in NRO does a credible job of discussing the problems with the recent appellate court decision in the Moussaoui case.
Robin 9:50 PM
Victor Davis Hanson on the myths of Iraq. His Myth #1 calls out the lie that is the entire John Kerry campaign. Thanks again to Prof. Hanson.
Robin 9:41 PM
Pat Tillman, American. Jeff Goldstein and commentators on Tillman.
Robin 9:36 PM
Another friend takes the plunge into blogging.
Robin 3:11 PM
Monday, April 19, 2004
More foundation for allegations that the government withheld evidence in the McVeigh prosecution. This kind of thing infuriates me for three reasons. The first and most obvious is that this kind of misconduct is unjust. The second is that this kind of misconduct can get guilty people freed at trial. And the third is that this stuff provides a factual foundation for the conspiracy nuts to feed off of for decades.
Robin 3:07 PM
Sunday, April 18, 2004
This looked fun, so I grabbed the nearest book in accord with these instructions:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
which is Thomas Fleming's "The New Dealers' War" and found:The chief topic they discussed was how to make sure, in Stimson's words, Japan "fired the first shot." The context is a discussion among President Roosevelt and some cabinet officers on how to complete goading Japan into starting the Pacific War.
Robin 10:06 PM
This looked fun, so I grabbed the nearest book in accord with these instructions:
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
which is Thomas Fleming's "The New Dealers' War" and found:The chief topic they discussed was how to make sure, in Stimson's words, Japan "fired the first shot." The context is a discussion among President Roosevelt and some cabinet officers on how to complete goading Japan into starting the Pacific War.
Robin 10:05 PM
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Roger Simon reads John Kerry's oped piece about Iraq and finds ... a substanceless placeholder for a policy to be defined later. His commentors add to the fray with more useful comments. And this is the best the Democrats can find for a candidate?
Robin 2:42 PM
Joanne Jacobs has this informative post about school funding.
Robin 2:29 PM
More evidence that the Democrats are the looney party.
Robin 10:20 AM
Monday, April 12, 2004
Professor Bainbridge's request is Will the last businessperson to leave [California] please turn off the lights on your way out the door?
Robin 4:16 PM
Little Green Footballs has these photos of "dissent" in San Francisco which can be characterized as treason without any exaggeration. Not to mention celebrating terrorists.
Robin 2:05 PM
On Winds of Change, Joe Katzman does a brilliant job of recapping the strategic reasons for the Iraq invasion and its relation to the War on Terror.
Robin 10:37 AM
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Once again, LGF shows us how John Kerry demonstrates why he is incompetent to become President of the United States.
Robin 12:58 PM
Tuesday, April 06, 2004
Here, P.J. O'Rourke in a Weekly Standard piece recounts his encounter with Sen. Kerry during the 1986 Phillipine election between Marcos and Corazon Aquino. Evidently, O'Rourke wasn't impressed by Kerry's bold stance astride an issue then or now.
Robin 8:44 PM
Monday, April 05, 2004
Crooowblog has this post on a Democratic Senator praising the Democrats' own pet Klansman. So much for the idea that only Trent Lott would do so ...
Robin 4:18 PM
At Globalsecurity.org, there are some really great maps of Iraq to help follow current events.
Robin 2:41 PM