Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Jeff at Protein Wisdom writes about another example of the partisan bias of our news media - The Associated Press writes about a DUI arrest of the Speaker of the State Senate in Minnesota but does not bother to mention that he is a DFL Democrat. Actually, Jeff's research shows that the AP actually edited out the reference to his party.
Robin 2:29 PM
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Senator John McCain reveals to all why he is not fit temperamentally to be President.
Robin 8:55 PM
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
Heads UP! Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash upcoming. Be there or ... be as square as Zombyboy or worse.
Robin 1:15 PM
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Friday, May 18, 2007
Here is an interesting story of how a concealed weapon permit holder intervened in a bank robbery where the bank robber killed two bank tellers and wounded two more. Notice that in the story, there is no fantasy shootout between the armed citizen and the bank robber as opponents of "shall issue" permits like to pretend that concealed permit holders dream of. Rather, the armed citizen notified police, took a position out the bank and aided responding officers to contain the murderous bank robber. Admirable work.
Robin 5:47 PM