Friday, May 28, 2004
Speaking of morons, Kevin Drum writes this idiotic posting, but the "loathsome toad" is Kevin. There is nothing wrong with Ashcroft's statement - as evidenced by the fact that Kevin has to create several strawmen and put words in Ashcroft's mouth to "make" his moronic "point".
Its long past time for you to grow up, Kevin.
Robin 1:25 PM
Thursday, May 27, 2004
This Tim Blair post made me laugh so hard, I think I burst a waistband. At least ... I hope that was what that noise was ...
Robin 2:35 PM
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Bill Owens seems to have offended the French. Go Bill!Thanks to Prof. Bainbridge for this.
Robin 4:29 PM
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Thursday, May 20, 2004
Thanks to Powerline blog, I found this link to President Bush's speech before AIPAC. No doubt, this will become a speech that feeds the "Neocon" anti-semitism nonsense we've seen from the senile ( aka Sen. Fritz Hollings(D) ) and the loon.
The speech itself is a wonderful reaffirmation of shared values between the United States and Israel and a reaffirmation of the depravity and evil of our enemies.
Robin 3:17 PM
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
National Review Online has a piece by Michael Rubin that takes on the anti-semitism that is oriented around the "Neocon" label used - often inaccurately - to describe Bush administration policy makers.
There have been commentary around that Anti-semitism is increasing in the US and Europe. Frankly, I don't see it in the US myself but I've seen what I believe is a more brazen version of existing Leftist anti-semitism show up in the anti-war arguments and Bush administration criticism.
Update: My sincere thanks for Sen. Fritz Hollings (D) for the convenient confirmation as he gives us his fatuous contribution illustrating my point. Moron.
Robin 8:49 AM
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Friday, May 14, 2004
Blogger Black Five has copied an email from a Marine discussing Pat Tillman and contrasting Mr. Tillman to at least one american of lesser character.
Robin 3:02 PM
BTW, this "interview" of Glenn Reynolds is hilarious.
Robin 2:38 PM
Glenn Reynolds points to this piece by Laurie Mylroie with further evidence on the 9-11 / Iraq link. Specifically, the Czech evidence of a meeting between Mohammad Atta and an Iraqi intel agent.
Robin 9:30 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Stuart Smalley - or as Henry calls him, Buck-toothed Moron's Liberal radio network is more than whacky, its now felonious with calls for assassination of the President.
Robin 3:57 PM
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Over at Winds Of Change, Dan Darling has posted the first part of an outstanding rebuttal to the claims of some that there was no Iraq / Al Queda connection. Very impressive work, Dan.
Robin 12:08 PM
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Professor Bainbridge has a post here on how FOIA requests made against the University of California's pension fund attempting to get details about the UC's investments in venture capital funds and how those requests are causing venture capital funds to sever relations with the University of California's pension fund.
Between CALPERS and this, politicalization of pension funds is becoming an immense problem in the capital markets. Bainbridge has some pithy comments.
Robin 4:24 PM
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Sunday, May 09, 2004
The Man Without Qualities goes bonkers on Teresa Heinz Kerry's attacks on Dick Cheney and the result is just perfect Fisk'in.
Don't miss the faux Musil's fine shredding job on John Kerry's silly wife. The one who hasn't released her tax returns, if you don't recall.
Robin 11:09 PM
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Saturday, May 08, 2004
Debunkers.org is starting a new blog to feature postings on Junk Science.
Robin 4:17 PM
Friday, May 07, 2004
Today's Inside Politics column ( link will expire and I don't know the archive ) has an item about the John Kerry that will tell anyone anything they want to hear. Video found by the GOP National Committee is described: "In the new video, he's asked at a New Hampshire rally what he's done to reduce the dependency on oil. Says Kerry, 'I sold my gas guzzler and got a van and downgraded, that's what I did personally, in my own life. Also got an economical car in Washington and so forth so that I was trying to live up to that standard.'
"But in the second video, shot a month later in Michigan, he lists his autos: 'I own a Dodge 600 that I've had for about 20 years; I own a Chrysler 300M; we have a Chrysler van, a minivan; a Chrysler PT Cruiser (I guess Chrysler is making out here); a Suburban Chevy ? big Suburban ? and she has a Land Rover Defender.' "
What are the odds that if he's elected, we'll start to miss Bill Clinton's relative honesty?
Robin 4:05 PM