Monday, April 30, 2007
Given his recent book of evasions and inventions, its becoming more clear that President George W. Bush's greatest errors was not firing Clinton-admin holdover CIA Director George Tenet.All the more dispicable since Bush has gone out of his way not to scapegoat him despite the obvious actions by the CIA to undercut Bush administration policy.
Robin 9:40 AM
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Thursday, April 19, 2007
Looks like it is time to cease watching any NBC TV local affiliate, NBC network program or any cable channel owned by NBC. At least, after NBC's despicable pandering to a dead mass murderer, that's my plan.
Robin 9:05 PM
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After the Supreme Court upheld the Federal ban on partial birth abortion, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stated that he wished that Sandra Day O'Connor was still on the court so that the decision would have gone against the ban.
Of course, the fact that Harry Reid actually voted FOR the legislation does not seem to slow him down at all.
Nothing better summarizes the modern Democratic Party.
Robin 8:52 PM
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