Wednesday, November 24, 2004
In Washington State, the Democrats mantra? Keep counting until we win.
Robin 2:44 PM
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Professor Bainbridge, who had been critical of the House Republican caucus changing its rules on leadership positions in contemplation of a possible indictment of Tom Delay, now turns his attention to the prosecutor in Texas who had been investigating the related criminal allegations for some silly remarks about grand juries. Bainbridge refers to the old saying "If the district attorney wanted, a grand jury would indict a ham sandwich."Consider the possibility that a criminal ham sandwich is safe from DA Earle.
Robin 1:07 PM
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Hey, Dan. We OWN you.
Robin 9:49 PM
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Monday, November 22, 2004
Just in case you were wondering if Ron Artest was a complete moron, the answer appears to be a definite "yes".
Robin 10:40 PM
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Friday, November 19, 2004
Can't tell you why, but I got a yearning for some Don Williams today:
Good Ol' Boys Like Me:
When I was a kid Uncle Remus he put me to bed
With a picture of Stonewall Jackson above my head
Then daddy came in to kiss his little man
With gin on his breath and a Bible in his hand
He talked about honor and things I should know
Then he'd stagger a little as he went out the door
I can still hear the soft Southern winds in the live oak trees
And those Williams boys they still mean a lot to me
Hank and Tennessee
I guess we're all gonna be what we're gonna be
So what do you do with good ole boys like me
Nothing makes a sound in the night like the wind does
But you ain't afraid if you're washed in the blood like I was
The smell of cape jasmine thru the window screen
John R. and the Wolfman kept me company
By the light of the radio by my bed
With Thomas Wolfe whispering in my head
When I was in school I ran with kid down the street
But I watched him burn himself up on bourbon and speed
But I was smarter than most and I could choose
Learned to talk like the man on the six o'clock news
When I was eighteen, Lord, I hit the road
But it really doesn't matter how far I go
Lyrics posted without permission. Forgive me, Don, but you're stuck in my head.
Robin 6:32 PM
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Thanks to Glenn Reynolds, I found my charity for the holiday season.
Robin 2:40 PM
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
From Hardball ( or as Laura Ingraham puts it "Whiffleball" ) discussing the video of the Marine shooting a wounded Iraqi: "MATTHEWS: Well, let me ask you about this. If this were the other side, and we were watching an enemy soldier, a rival—I mean, they‘re not bad guys, especially—just people that disagree with it. They‘re in fact the insurgents fighting us in their country."
Chris Matthews is outrageous. The very idea that "insurgents" who terrorize Iraqis, who behead innocent people, who car bomb crowds of Iraqi children gathered for sweets from soldiers are "not bad guys especially" is so outrageous that I wonder for the man's sanity.
An apology would only start Matthews on the road to humanity.
I'm becoming more convinced that Matthews' partisanship has driven the man insane.
Robin 9:20 PM
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Monday, November 15, 2004
While Saudi money is probably the most significant financial resource, Iran is probably currently the single worst terrorist haven. Much of the surviving Al Queda leadership is thought to be sheltering in Iran and some people actually believe that Osama Bin Laden is there. One of the reasons for invading Iraq was that once accomplished, between Iraq, Afghanistan and the friendly 'stans to the north, U.S. forces would essentially surround Iran.Dan Darling covers, in his typical yeoman fashion, the story of how hard Iran is working against us in Iraq. Once you read Dan's work, you will realize that we are already at war - an undeclared war - with Iran.
Robin 2:34 PM
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Hooray! That disgusting Palestinian pig Arafat is dead!Meanwhile, as Jeff of Protein Wisdom puts it so well, our National Embarrassment speaks. The only downcheck, I suppose, is that Charles will have to retire Arafish - the psychopathic piscine.
Robin 10:13 AM
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Monday, November 08, 2004
Wretchard gives us this fascinating analysis of operations in Fallujah.
Robin 8:59 PM
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Thursday, November 04, 2004
Glenn Reynolds points to these comments on a BBC page from voters explaining why they voted for President Bush as interesting. And they are interesting as a cross-section of voters motivations, however I don't think that anyone should conclude they are any kind of real sample.Not least because of the faked ones like: I voted for Bush because I a run a larger corporation that needs him in office. Without the Bush administration's alterations of previously existing law, my company would not be able to make such large profits. The administration has provided the necessary loop holes in environmental and fair competition laws. They have allowed us to exploit the intent of the law without fear of prosecution.
J Black, Atlanta, GA Now I can't figure out how much editing the BBC did, but couldn't even they figure out that that was a fake one? Or are they getting advice from CBS?
Robin 8:19 PM
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Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Thank God.
Robin 2:19 PM
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