Friday, October 31, 2003
Roger Simon points out that we should be more outraged at the mass murder in North Korea. Roger uses the word "genocide", which isn't the right word. I suspect that Roger hasn't seen R.J. Rummel's coinage "democide". Thanks for reminding us Roger that we should be more concerned.
Robin 10:39 AM
Victor Davis Hansen has a great column discussing the rise of anti-semitism, and he has a great point about the disgusting apology for Mahathir by Paul Krugman. Link shamelessly stolen from LGF.
Robin 10:29 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Conrad has a great posting here spanking another celebrity ignoramus who is joyfully agitating to worsen the living standards of the Third World.
Robin 10:52 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Charles Johnson points out another disgusting column by Paul Krugman. This one excusing anti-semitism by his patron Mathahir but attacking Boykin with the most pathetic in moral equivalence language.
Robin 10:23 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Wow, I come back from vacation to see that Steve has gone bonkers and done a huge job of shooting down Krugman here and then spends some more time rebutting favorite Democrat myths of the California energy crisis here. That's awesome.
Robin 8:25 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
I'm out of town until late next week.
But until I get back, this tease from Rich Lowry's new book should keep you as astonished as I.
Robin 9:58 AM
Thursday, October 09, 2003
Glenn is catching up to my concerns that the CIA is playing some deep game in the Plame affair.
Robin 10:23 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Is there any Democrat anywhere who is NOT violating campaign finance laws each week? Just one? Contest limited to Democratic candidates and officeholders who have not passed away already.
Robin 11:56 PM
Monday, October 06, 2003
Meanwhile, Clayton has some links into the LA Weekly which demonstrates the shoddy journalism of the Los Angeles Times in the Schwarzenegger groping "news". Not to mention make the fingerprints of the California Democrat Committee even more obvious.
Robin 4:36 PM
I have great respect for Clayton Cramer, and very little respect for Alan Dershowitz, but I think what Clayton is describing here best fits the word "sloppy" than "plagerism".The evidence does suggest that Dershowitz or his assistants copied Peters' citation but that isn't the same thing in my mind as copying Peters' actual work.
Robin 12:53 PM
Thursday, October 02, 2003
The more I consider the Wilson / Plame story, the more I come to the conclusion that Novak was correct in telling us about Plame. Her status with the CIA is part of the as yet incomplete story about Wilson's bizarre "investigation" of the allegations of Niger's yellowcake. Still unanswered is just why Wilson was chosen and what part his wife played in that choice and what that meant for the integrity of the CIA's search for Iraq's WMD. What political games are Wilson and his wife involved in?
Plame is at the core of the questions about the quality of our intel and whether or not there are elements of the CIA politicizing the issue.
You can't separate her CIA job from this question and you can't discuss this without blowing her cover. And if the Wilson's are playing a political game here, it was their choice to do so that started the events that led to her cover being blown.
I'm becoming more convinced that the Wilson's are not the victims in this scandal.
Robin 7:06 PM
Many predicted that the Los Angeles Times would save up dirt on Arnold until the last minute. Sure enough, the LAT drops its dirt bomb at the last minute. Am I surprised? No, the Los Angeles Times still publishes proven liar Robert Scheer.
Robin 3:25 PM