Monday, March 29, 2004
Stuart Buck's wife does us the immense favor of posting an update here on Stuart's condition. That was an immensely kind thing to do as I'm sure she is having a difficult time. Our thoughts are with the Buck family.
Robin 5:10 PM
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Citizen Smash went to the anti-war rallies in his hometown and recorded a speech given during that rally by what sounds to me like a John Kerry supporter. We can add her support to that of such other luminaries who have endorsed John Kerry like the anti-semite Prime Minister of Malaya and the perennial liar Noam Chomsky. These people are not on our side. They are of the enemy.
Robin 4:04 PM
Evidence is firming on John Kerry's attendance of a meeting of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War meeting in Kansas City in November of 1971. Why would that meeting be important? Because it was where the attending VVAW members discussed assassination of United States Senators who supported the Vietnam war. Kerry's story about his involvement with the VVAW during that key moment have been - unsurprisingly - varying by the day in recent weeks.
Robin 3:54 PM
Monday, March 22, 2004
Its interesting that even Lieberman and Biden have reservations about the credibility of Clarke's accusations. And here, Glenn Reynolds has accumulated some more responses and problems with Clarke's credibility. And here is a transcript of Ms. Rice's comments about this nonsense on CNN.UPDATE: Mansoor Ijaz, another former Clinton administration official, has even stronger words about Clarke.
Robin 11:42 AM
Friday, March 19, 2004
Several other bloggers have spent more time on the lack of political diversity in academia than I. Today, the Rocky Mountain News had this article about a woman alleging she was fired for not sharing the anti-Bush and anti-war views of people in the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center.
Robin 12:57 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
I've long admired the intellect of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, even where I may disagree with him on specific issues, and I believe that his response to the motion requesting his recusal from a Supreme Court case involving the Vice President demonstrates that.
Robin 11:09 AM
Donald Luskin is once again whacking Paul Krugman for Krugman's intentional falsehoods. Amusing that those whose theme is "Bush lied" lie themselves so often.Might be a clue as to who the real liars are ...
Robin 10:37 AM
Monday, March 15, 2004
Clay Ranck actually waded through John Kerry's speech on the war on terror and didn't find much more than Kerry's usual vapid platitudes.
Robin 8:25 PM
Yet more Palestinian War Criminals, its long past time that the U.S. removed all restraints from Israel.
Robin 9:30 AM
Do what I do, and put a copy of this in Lou Dobbs email box at CNN.
Robin 9:21 AM
Saturday, March 13, 2004
In debunking Paul Krugman's outright fantasies, and Lou Dobbs of CNN's myth-making, Pejman points us, with Jane Galt's aid, to this article. The only way the Democrats have to regain national office is to tell us lies about the economy.
Robin 1:54 PM
Friday, March 12, 2004
John Kerry's brilliant foreign policy? As James Glassman explains, it is angering one of our recent allies in South Asia.
Robin 1:43 PM
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Once again, we find staffers to Democratic congressmen are engaging in traitorous activities. Glenn Reynolds points us to these details on NRO. ( Again cue Casablanca As Time Goes By and Claude Rains voice ).
Robin 3:17 PM
Steve Verdon finds some juicy bits regarding that "Union of Concerned Scientists" nonsense about the Bush administration politicizing science. ( Cue Casablanca As Time Goes By and Claude Rains voice ).
Robin 2:36 PM
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
My favorite non-fiction writer now has his own website, Victor Davis Hanson.
Robin 11:13 AM
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Kathleen Lopez of NRO asks how this commonsense statement got into the New York Times. Good question.
Robin 10:25 AM
Want to know why California is screwed up? Because nuts like this guy get elected to the state legislature.Case closed.
Robin 8:01 AM
Monday, March 08, 2004
In further meat for my astonishment that the Democrats are about to nominate the most incompetent candidate for the office of President ever seen, I refer you to this excerpt that Pejman has pulled from a Time magazine interview of John Kerry.The mind boggles...
Robin 4:22 PM