Monday, June 24, 2002
Eric Raymond continues his insightful commentary on Islam. I've only some minor differences of opinion with Eric, in his next to last paragraph where he states:
But counterparts of al-Qaeda such as the Christian Identity Movement exist in the West, imbued with all of al-Qaeda's rage. Christian fundamentalists express the same hatred of modernity and determination to jam the world back into a medieval mold that motivates Osama bin Laden.
Here I think Eric allows his distaste of christian fundamentalists to lead him to making an equivalence that just doesn't apply. First, Christian Identity Movement and christian fundamentalism are not equivalent. Second, christian fundamentalism isn't advocating or committing mass terror acts, but rather is almost always working within our society's political processes.
Rajib K has a very useful point about why the supposed "moderate" muslim masses condone the radicals which I believe doesn't apply to Christianity.
Robin 1:54 PM