Wednesday, August 07, 2002
Afraid of Ashcroft's TIPS program? I've been a skeptic of its efficacy but I've been arguing against those who have been exaggerating its intent, scope and threat. I've especially gone against those who use analogies to East German Stasi or other totalitarian examples that I think at best exaggerations and at worst slanders. Well, who would be afraid of John Walsh's "America's Most Wanted" ? Eric Olsen points us to a Salon story that claims that "Most Wanted" is taking the phone calls for the FBI. Now I'm leaning even more toward the opinion that TIPS will be another big government joke. By the way, many people have been pointing to Eric's excellant discussion about the blog threads on whether or not an all-out, defeat "Islam" itself, type conflict is the best idea.
Robin 4:39 PM