Tuesday, October 08, 2002
More evidence of Ann Coulter's thesis: In Michelle Ames' story of October 6, "E-mail stings state Dems" in the Rocky Mountain News, Jessie Rowley would like to know how a $50 contribution to the campaign against Amendment 30 makes one into a white supremacist. Amendment 30 is a proposed amendment to Colorado's Constitution that would allow same-day voter registration.
There is of course an easy answer: today, Democrats have abandoned all discussion of substance and adopted the rhetoric of slander.
In the story, we learn that the Colorado Democrat Party forwarded to its email list a news release that - wholely without basis - claimed that opponents of Amendment 30 were associated with white supremacists. The state Democrats have no apology for forwarding such vile slander and the originators of the slander ( the NAACP, La Raza and unbelievably the League of Women Voters ) only repeat it and re-endorse it.
Its long been a common tactic of the Left to associate all its opponents with the most vile element. Now we see that the tactic is accepted by the organizations above in lieu of going to all that hard work of actually forming a coherent argument. We see the same in the despicable acts of Democrat Reps. David Bonior and Jim McDermott who even delivered their slanders against President Bush from the capital city of our enemy. There Bonior and McDermott called our President a liar and claimed that Saddam Hussein's word should be trusted. Too few Democrats condemned them for it. Decent people should consider long and hard the despicable nature of these people and reward such vile slander as it deserves by voting against every Democrat candidate who does not immediately, clearly and without equivocation condemn these slimy tactics.
Robin 8:53 PM