Thursday, November 14, 2002
Henry Hanks points us at this ludicrous whining by Buffalo State College professor Michael I. Niman. It seems that Andrew Sullivan appropriately labeled as "Idiocy of the Week" a screed by this idiot asserting the Sen. Wellstone's death was suspicious. Niman pulls the old Al Gore dodge that he didn't make those accusations, he just said "many people are concerned that Wellstone may have been murdered, but I offer no conclusions". A pack of nonsense rightly ridiculed by Sullivan.
But not content at embarrassing himself to that degree, Niman gives us the line we've heard over and over these last months:
While Sullivan certainly has a right to disagree with my call for an international investigation, his baseless personal attack against me, for the crime of writing about an unpopular subject, is also a stifling attack upon our free press.
Once again, a sniveling academic loon claims that criticism is censorship. Grow up.
Robin 10:41 AM