Wednesday, November 06, 2002
Well, this morning sees quite a sweep by the GOP of the important Senatorian races that were in play. The Republicans gained control of the Senate in the ballot box, lost it to a backroom deal and have today regained control at the ballot box. Commentary on this seems to vary from the Democrats' spin that it represents only a tiny change in the electorate to pronouncements of the repeal of the laws of physics. The reality as I see it is somewhere in the middle. For President Bush to recover the Senate and add seats in the House during a midterm election that occurs at the end of a recession is quite an immense victory. The reality remains that this country is close to evenly split along ideological lines. As many have noted, the challenge is now for the GOP to do an effective job of using the control of the Federal government that they've gained.
Hopefully, the Senate GOP will toss Trent Lott aside and find someone competent to manage the Senate for once. It was his incompetence that caused us to lose it in the first place.
Robin 10:24 AM