Monday, February 10, 2003
I've been trying to digest the leaked "proposal" on new anti-terrorist legislation. Orin Kerr has a tentative posting on these supposed new anti-terrorist legislation proposals. He has a very good point in that the coverage of this will probably be as bad as that for the original PATRIOT Act. Several organizations put out blatant misinformation and exaggeration with respect to that Act. We'll see it again. Ah, and sure enough, Oliver is sputtering.
UPDATE: Orin Kerr writes here that he believes that the sentence enhancement for using encryption - a proposal in the paper - isn't really a big deal. He has some good points. I myself am wrestling with the proposal of creating a DNA database of convicted terrorists and terrorist suspects. It makes me nervous at first glance but I'm having difficulty distinguishing it philosophically from a fingerprint database in this case. Yes, I know the supposed abuses of a government DNA database but those are all mostly based on violations of medical privacy that seem irrelevant to the discussion.
Robin 10:12 AM