Friday, September 17, 2004
Most of the big-media "blogs" are poor empty and substance-less imitations of blogs. But probably none are as bad as MSNBC's Hardblogger. I guess with that vaguely obscene name it is supposed to be a blog of Chris Matthews' Hardball TV show. ( I prefer Laura Ingram's "Whiffleball" ) There you can find Keith Olbermann, fresh off of insulting the far more intelligent and better prepared Michelle Malkin, making faux witty statements about Marion Carr Knox, the Bush-hating Air National Guard pool secretary that Dan Rather actually thought helped his case by confirming that Dan was complicit in forgery. Earlier, Olbermann gave us this mind-numbingly vapid commentary on the subject of the forged memos where he couldn't resist comparing the situation to the Swift Boats Vets for Truth. Hey, Keith, you moron. The Swift Boats operators put their names on their ads and told their stories in detail in a signed book. They didn't fax out forged memos anonymously. Anybody with an IQ above room temp is a mile ahead of Keith on this.Keith is out of his league again. I find his commentary the farthest thing from witty. Vapid, shallow, and as badly teased as his hair.
Of course, the fake blog has its obligatory promos for Chris Matthews' interview with Kitty Kelley.
As if we didn't already know just how biased, unobjective, and despicable Chris Matthews' was from his treatment of the Swift Boat Vets for Truth issue. Matthews' confirms it by putting this trash on TV. Well, his is the right show for Democratic sleaze.
Keep typing in your basement, Chris, you'll get a forged memo that even bigger scoop than Rather's if you keep trying.
Robin 7:27 PM