Friday, September 10, 2004
So much going on that I've not been able to find time to comment on.
"What's the typefont, Kenneth?"
Of course, Dan Rather has discredited himself again by presenting forged documents regarding President Bush's National Guard service. And then repeating the disgusting performance by stonewalling after getting caught. Just declare your entire year's salary as an "in-kind" donation to the DNC, Dan. Of course, while you are doing that, you might put some aside in case you need to pay your lawyers when a grand jury starts looking for who in the Kerry campaign wrote the forgeries.
Now that I think about it, I know who forged these documents. It was the student I had in one of my classes who brought me a note that read:
"Please excuse Lisa for her absence yesterday. She was sick. Signed, My Mother."
Michelle Malkin has a troubling story about Delta's treatment of a Marine on leave from Iraq. Now I'll start cheering them into bankruptcy.
Robin 8:22 PM