Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Hadn't updated here in awhile so I thought I should get better about that. I recently noticed that Glenn Reynolds had moved his blog roll but that this blog was still on it.
In Colorado, there are two recalls in progress of Democratic politicians who pushed for some ridiculous gun control legislation on behalf of Bloomberg's misnamed MAIG organization. The recalls were true grassroots. I know some of the people who first started organizing the petition drive for those recalls.
There was very little financial support other than small donations from Colorado gun owners. Later, the NRA and some companies like Magpul tossed in a couple of bucks but the drive was still in the control of the grassroots and depended on real volunteers for its completion. There was success in getting sufficient signatures for recalling State Senator John Morse from Colorado Springs, and Angela Giron from the Pueblo area.
There is a friend of a friend who is heavily involved in the Colorado Democratic party apparatus. Through that person, I heard that the phone bank operation - calling registered Democrats in Sen John Morse's district to drum up support against the recall - is not going well. Evidently that person has been getting a lot of obscene feedback. Remember - the phone list is of registered Democrats ....
Robin 10:26 PM